Who is a Research Analyst?
Research Analyst is any person who is responsible for:
- preparation or publication of the content of the research report; or
- providing research report; or
- making ‘buy/sell/hold’ recommendation; or
- giving price target; or
- offering an opinion concerning public offer
This is in relation to securities (listed or to be listed) in stock exchange.
What if I do not hold the job title of research analyst but are responsible for any activities as above?
It is not compulsory to hold the job title of research analyst. Even if you are performing any of the functions as listed above, you have to follow guidelines for Research Analyst as per SEBI Research Analyst Regulations.
What are the certifications requirements for registering as a research analyst (under RA Regulations) ?
It is mandatorily required to obtain certification via NISM Research Analyst Certification Examination
Does NISM provide any trainings or preparation for the examination?
NISM does not provide any training, for preparation of examinations, directly or indirectly to participants who desire to appear for NISM examinations.
How can I get access to additional study material for NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination?
Cubelearn.com offers a very comprehensive and detailed Question Bank+Chapter-wise sumamry notes that can support candidates in preparation for NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination
How does the Question bank of Cubelearn.com help in preparation for NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination?
- The student can use the questions bank for revisions and practice of the course material required for the examination.
- Answers are provided with detailed explanations to understand concepts and numerical problems and revise them.
- There are overall 500 questions with 2 mock-tests which replicate exam-like settings, and can help check the level of preparation.
What are the topics covered under NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination?
- Introduction to Research Analyst Profession
- Introduction to Securities Market
- Terminology in Equity and Debt Markets
- Fundamentals of Research
- Economic Analysis
- Industry Analysis
- Company Analysis – Qualitative Dimensions
- Company Analysis – Quantitative Dimensions
- Corporate Actions
- Valuation Principles
- Fundamentals of Risk and Return
- Qualities of a good Research Report
- Legal and Regulatory Environment
What is the validity of Question Bank offered by Cubelearn.com?
You can purchase the Question bank from Cuberlearn.com with two validity options:
- 30 days validity
- 60 days validity
Hence giving you option to easily match your pace of preparation either with a short-term validity or with long term validity.
What is the Assessment Structure of NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination?
The examination consists of 92 multiple choice questions of 1-mark each and
2 case-based questions (each case having 4 questions of 1-mark each),
totalling to a 100 marks. The assessment
structure is as follows:
Multiple Choice Questions [92 questions of 1 mark each] 92 x 1 = 92
Case-based Questions [2 cases (each case with 4 questions of 1 mark each)] 2 x 4 x 1 = 8
The examination should be completed in 2 hours. The passing score for the examination is 60 marks
(i.e., 60%). There shall be negative marking of 25% of the marks assigned to the question for each
wrong answer.
What is the validity of the certification after passing NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination?
Certification Validity is 3 Years from the date of successful completion of the NISM exam (for further details refer NISM guidelines)
What is the weightage of the NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination?
Please visit the following link to check the recommended weightage of the exam Link – https://cubelearn.com/nism-xv-research-analyst-weightage/
If I purchase the Question Bank from Cubelearn.com, how will I get access to the study material?
- Cubelearn offers a fully digital experience where you can access the study material online on Cubelearn.com by simply logging in to your account
- Hence you can access your course material anytime as per your convenience and comfort.
- In our 60 days validity package we also provide Chapter-wise short notes, which the student can use for revision
Does Cubelearn offer pdf or word document of the material?
No. We offer a fully online learning model.
Can I track my progress and check my answers while using the Question Bank from Cubelearn.com?
Yes. This is the advantage of an online course. Your answers will be auto-checked and you can track your progress.
How many questions are there are in the Question Bank for NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination from Cubelearn.com?
After purchasing the questions bank from Cubelearn.com you will get access to:
Approximately 500 questions, which includes
2 Mock Tests with 200 questions under real exam conditions
Can I access a sample of the Question Bank to understand the format better?
Yes, please create a login if not registered already and access the sample at the following link:
Link – https://cubelearn.com/courses/sample-test-research-analyst/
How do I clear my NISM research Analyst Exam?
Following are some useful tips which can help you:-
- Start preparation of the exam well in advance
- Select Required Study Material
- For scientific test and revision you enrol for the Question Bank from Cubelearn.com
- Register online as per the NISM guidelines
- Continue practice and revision till the exam date & maintain your focus for good performance in the exam
Where do I register on NISM site for NISM-Series-XV: Research Analyst Certification Examination
Use the following link:
Link – https://certifications.nism.ac.in/nismaol/Candidate /UserRegistration.aspx